Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I will talk to his oncologist and primary doctor tomorrow. After feeling a bit short of breath (as I gathered from what the nurse's said) they ordered a chest xray which then showed something they wanted to take a closer look at so they ordered a CT scan which shows that the primary tumor that is located in the lower right lobe of the lungs has grown and has infiltrated the upper part. This has caused the right lung to stop functioning and given that the left lung is not working at 100% the prognosis is not good unless there is something that can be done. I do not think radiation will help and we know he cannot be given chemo again for another 2.5 weeks so at this point we all need to start thinking about making him comfortable.

If I did not reach out to you directly by phone or email I apologize, I had a few people that I had to talk to tonight as well and I'm all talked out. I will be down at the hospital in the morning.

I got the notification today that Chris was approved for social security disability but his payments would not start until September.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.

    Nikki (nikkiJC) xx
