Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday Afternoon

Despite Chris's insistence that he would be ready and wanted to get out this afternoon when we came back to see him at two, he decided that he was too tired and resigned himself to getting more rest. A few of our friends really wanted to go see him today, but I would rather people come by the house once he's home than go see him now when he's moody, unshaven and generally in need of putting on some different clothing.

Geoff, Trish and I will walk down the hill and try to get into one of our favorite restaurants for an early dinner and then will walk back up the hill for the second time today.

I bought some Tervis Tumblers today, a magic bullet, a tray and a pitcher that will hold ice in a tube. That way I can give Chris a pitcher of water that will hopefully stay cold for a while when I'm not here.The tervis tumblers can hold his coffee (I'm working on getting him to try stevia instead of sugar) and the magic bullet will be handy for making his shakes, smoothies and soups. With the tray, he can have the stuff next to him but he will still need to swing his legs off of his throne to eat or drink.

We'll go over to see him tomorrow around 11 and see how he is. There is a better chance tomorrow that he'll want to get out but I'm still not going to put it at more than about 40% and I don't know that I want him to come into the house simply because if he gets winded coming up the stairs and can't catch his breath we would have to call the paramedics and I can't chance that kind of setback right now.

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