Monday, April 5, 2010

These silly expensive diagnostic companies....

Must like bleeding away money because when I called to ask them why I did not see a charge for Chris's PET scan they told me it had already been paid by the insurance company. That's all well and good, but Aetna has no record of them submitting a bill for the PET scan. I then called them back, not because I really care about the 2-3,000 they are out, but because that means that the payment probably belongs to another account (I'm not banking on their being two people with the same name, same DOB who needs their wife in to hold their hands when they need to inject dyes) and now they are going to get someone all riled up and annoyed who does not need that.

I'm not sure they are used to people calling them up like that, but I have to stay on top of every charge that's submitted to Aetna and when I don't see one's I expect I have to question those too. It's hard enough reconciling the FSA side against the medical side, but it's a royal PITA because it's sorted by the date of service not the date received and when I download it to excel i have to go line by line to see what's new.

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