Saturday, April 24, 2010

So far so good..

No nausea, no upset stomach, no differences which is good. He was given a shot of neupogen which is similar to Neulasta which should help stimulate the bone marrow to produce more white blood cells than normal. This should hopefully prevent Chris's blood cell counts from getting too low. I was unaware they gave these shots proactively, normally they do it prior to the next round of chemotherapy if the blood tests indicate a problem but I guess these doctor's like to give them anyway. He gets one shot a day for three or four days. He's also starting back on the cumaudin and should be off the lovenox in the next few days. As long as he continues to eat/drink consistently his INR should level off.

No word yet on how long they will keep him, but it's looking more likely that they will move him to the same place he was before unless we can arrange to get nurses in here three days a week for 12 hours a day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy and Chris
    Really sorry your having a hard time-we are thinking of you and wish we could come over and share a brew. Lots of love Sarah Dave Jak and Sam
