Thursday, April 1, 2010


The ambulance company was almost an hour late today so that reduced the time Chris was willing to donate to physical therapy so he only did an hour instead of two.

Since today was supposed to be blood draw day I got over there at four but by seven when they had not shown up we had to cancel. Chris needs his meds and he would not take them or eat until after the blood was drawn so we had to tell them not to bother. If they consider 3+ hours STAT then that's not a company I ever want to do business with! So now I'll have to go down there tomorrow when they call which will be before he goes for radiation. He has not had his blood tested all week and it's critical that they know where he is for this INR count. Whether I wanted to learn about that or not, I did because I had to explain to Chris exactly how it works and what it's used for.

The plan is to move him on Wednesday afternoon. The oncologist will not take him back into her care while he is in rehab, Chris will require a one week "break" before anything can be done, and we will be able to get the VNA in the house. By telling them today, I'm giving them enough notice to have everything arranged. Chris will need to come downstairs with me in the mornings before i leave for work and will not be allowed to go upstairs while I"m out. He will also have a walker, not because he is unable to walk, but because if he loses his balance there's nothing in the hall for him to hold onto (and it is not carpeted) and with the bones possibly being more brittle I don't want to take a chance that he falls. He is okay with it. He has possibly the worlds most comfortable chair to recline in so he will be content when I'm out and when he has to wait for people to come by.

I expect they will put the port in the following week. Since Chris is demanding a week sabbatical, we should be okay to do it a week from Wednesday with a goal of starting chemo on the next Monday.

Two more radiation treatments to go! No hair loss or headaches so far and just some minor fatigue. Now that he knows that's what is happening he's much more accommodating when I remind him of it.

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