Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday and a move up to the 6th floor

First off, if anyone wants to see him that's fine, but no food. He did not even want people coming but I told him that he has to allow people to see him because since he's adamant that he not have a service or anything, he has to allow people to see him and then he said it was okay. Just be aware that with the increased dosage of xanax that he is more mellow and sleepy. He is NOT on any morphine at this time, and I do not believe he will be asking for any unless he really feels he needs it. He wants to be awake and alert for his visitors this weekend. He also recognizes that asking for morphine is really the start of the next phase and I believe that while he does not want additional treatment, he is not quite ready to do that.

When we left him he was comfortable and resting. He's the only patient on the floor right now so I'm sure he will be happy to have the nurses undivided attention. We discussed that he will stay on the same medications and receive the same treatment. He will always have the option of being taken back down to oncology, but I would be surprised if he did. He can also ask to be sent home and then he would get care here at the house but I think that unless he has a big desire to see the cats again he'll probably want to stay there.

Lastly, there are no time frames. This could go on for days or weeks. I spoke to his mother this morning and explained what was going on so now we are all on the same page.

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