Friday, April 2, 2010

Late Friday

Monday will be the last radiation treatment. Chris has finally recognized and accepted that the radiation has kicked his *** so he spent the rest of the day after Kellie left sleeping (I made sure he had something to eat before he took his pills). Today was the first day I really saw him worn out, as opposed to the normal "I just want to sleep" attitude so when Geoff, Trish and I head over there tomorrow we will be ready for whatever he wants to do or not as the case may be. Chris suggested to me that now that he has a plan he is going to awaken tomorrow with all sorts of energy and focus and will be ready to leave the facility for a few hours. Reality says that it's more likely that he will need more rest, but whether he leaves the facility or not, food is at the top of the list!~

We got very lucky that his latest bloodwork came back really good. Other than a slightly elevated white blood cell count that can likely be attributed to the Decadron he's been on since he was admitted to the hospital, the rest of it is within range. That bodes well for the upcoming chemotherapy, but we still need to focus on getting him to eat and put on some weight. He's been told that if he is unable (and I am probably repeating myself but I'm too tired to pull the blog up on another tab and read through it) to walk into the oncologist's office that she is likely to say "thanks for coming in but we will not be able to treat you".

So we shall see what tomorrow brings. Please keep in mind that if you do have his cell phone number and do call him that because of his paralyzed left vocal chord that he has to exert more effort in order to make sure he is heard and that after a few minutes he is not taking in enough oxygen and he will get weak. I did ask the respiratory therapist if there was anything that could be done to help someone remember to breath out as much as they breath in when they talk and he said "if you can figure that out let me know" so in the interim I try to make sure that when I talk to Chris he does not have to give me more than a few word answer.

I've set the DVR to tape the Formula One qualifying and we'll save it so when Chris is ready to come home for a few hours he can watch it and the race (which is on Sunday). As of now he is one race behind but that's because he does not get to watch any sports channels so he does not know what's on when. He did know it was supposed to be on last weekend.

Will try to catch up tomorrow, as I tell his mother, please take no news as just that, no changes.

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