Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday night

Chris is doing most of the breathing on his own but they will wait until tomorrow to take him off the ventilator. There's a bit of fluid on the bottom front right part of his lungs that the pulmonary doctor wants to see clear up a bit. I believe if they can get him off it that then they can possibly figure out what's going on. They said it's difficult to tell from an xray exactly what's going on.

He asked me earlier how long he'd been in the hospital and was surprised to hear it was five days.

So, keep your fingers crossed they can get him off the ventilator and see what's going on. If it's not pneumonia but he can breathe maybe they can look to get the chemo going. The oncologist said no cumaudin for him until he's off the ventilator so he was given lovonox which I'm sure has made him about as annoyed as having the tube in his mouth because he hates shots.

1 comment:

  1. Stacey,

    As you said "fingers crossed". Best to you and Chris.

    Patty Metz
