Friday, April 9, 2010

Late Friday

Sorry for the late post, it takes a while to get things sorted in the house and when there are phone calls and emails and other things to do time tries to get out the closed windows (hint it got cold here today just when we thought spring was here).

There will be no port put in; long story short with the risk of clots they would not allow him to be off the cumaudin, he would be forced to endure shots of lovonox in the stomach and even if he were willing to do that, his breathing is erratic enough that no anesthesiologist may want to risk putting him under so instead we will try a round in the vein. First he will get Alimta and then carboplatin (it really has platinum in it) No Zometa for the time being as the doctor does not want to introduce anything "new" that could cause a side effect that might not be easily controlled. It's really amazing that when someone suffers from a breathing condition and we see them on oxygen and see them walking slowly or using a walker we automatically think "they are not well". This is true in Chris's case, but his blood work continues to indicate everything internally is still working. His WBC count is still the only number produced in the CBC that is slightly high. His platelets, RBC and anything else they consider key factors in ascertaining how well someone is are quite good. Again, it's worth mentioning that there is NOTHING in his blood that indicates he has cancer.  Just mind boggling that it can continue to play so well. There will not be another test done before the chemo begins, no MRI's, no PET scans, no CT scans and no xrays. There is no reason to believe anything has changed.

We all just have to hope that we are still dealing with something that can be treated.

If you called and left a message today and I did not get back to you I will tomorrow unless something comes up that I need to tend to (like remembering I must get him folic acid) If you are around and want to visit, 2-4 tomorrow or Sunday are good, but if another time is better, please call me first. If you call to talk to Chris please remember he gets winded easily since he has no voice and has to whisper and in turn whisper loud so he can be heard (he expends a lot of oxygen). He does not know how to text so that won't be a good way of communicating with him either.

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