Sunday, April 25, 2010


Chris was a bit tired today but otherwise feeling no ill effects from the chemo. For some reason he responded a lot better than expected to the neupogen shot because his white blood cell count was 42,000 today and yesterday it had been 15-16,000. Given the fact that the drug is asking the body to produce more cells and that he's been on steroids for a while it is not likely to be an infection, but instead just that his body responded super fast to the drug. As such, they will not be running blood tests on his counts for a few days but will still be monitoring his INR. I did not ask what his number was today, it was a bit stressful this morning because Chris was upset that when he called the nurses earlier they did not respond right away so he panicked. Two xanax later he was starting to feel better and took the rest of his medication.

I still do not know when they are planning on moving him.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, your friends back at HIP are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Hang tough!!

    Tom Kelleher
