Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Evening

Chris had a bad day. He's quite angry at the moment so after going out and getting him a double cheeseburger from Burger King I told him I was going home. He did not sleep very well last night and then despite all assurances that the phlebotomist would not go in and ask him for blood, she did anyway just as he was getting ready to go for radiation. Then when he came back, the third doctor came in (one he had not seen before) and could not adequately explain to Chris why it takes time to get the Cumaudin levels right so Chris said he fired him and now he has a different doctor. This new doctor is a co-worker of Dr Israel (who is actually not a psychiatrist but a palliative care internal medicine doctor) and even though she specializes more in geriatric, she felt that this doctor would be a great fit for Chris. I did speak to her and the only change she made was to start giving him zoloft to see if they can get the xanax use down a bit. Xanax is the best medication ever invented, in my humble opinion because no matter how hard you try, you can't get pissed off, even at the idiot on the highway who won't get out of your way.

Since Chris did not get much sleep last night, and was then aggravated by the phlebotomist, he told the PT person to come back tomorrow and then after he fell asleep someone came in and shook his leg and demanded to know if he had moved his bowels. He was like, you woke me up for that? I'm sure it then took him an hour to calm down and then when he went to sleep the same person came back, shook his leg and said "I have to weigh you" so that just set him off again. He says that he feels worse than he did in the hospital and that if they are going to continue to bother him he is going to walk out. I printed out all the manufacturer's information and statistics on Cumaudin in the hopes he would realize just why they need to keep testing his blood so I hope once he gets rest he'll be more accommodating. The next draw will be on Thursday at 4, so I'll leave work a little early so they can get it done. I also left explicit instructions that other than his meds he is not to be bothered by anyone. If someone goes to visit, they can look in the room, but if he's asleep they can't come in. I'll also talk to the social worker tomorrow and get things straightened out. It's possible that they can arrange to have the visiting nurse service provide therapy as well, so maybe we can see if he would be ready to come home this weekend. He promised he would do his therapy tomorrow, as he knows without it he will be unable to get the oxygen level down so I'm hoping that if he gets sleep that will improve his mood. You never want to wake up a Vickery (I'm sure someone in the family can vouch for this) or deal with them when they are really angry because then they are incorrigible so a nice rest is in order.

After almost 14 years of marriage I am used to his moods, so when I told him I was going home because he needed rest, he understood. Of course he wanted me to stay, but I said you need rest more than you need me to sit on the edge of your bed.

Since I seem to end the posts without offering anything about ME, here goes. I had a great first day back at work. I was a bit upset to hear that some of my co-workers from the original company I started with were laid off as part of this mega merger but obviously glad that most of us are in an area that has a demand that they are still short on so we are as safe as anyone can ever be in corporate America. Waiting to hear when Geoff and Trish are arriving, should be sometime later on Friday. It will be great for Chris to see his brother and sister in law.

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